Contact me:

mobile: 07532471066

all images Copyright 2009 Caroline List

Sunday 15 December 2013

Time moves on, work keeps changing...

I spent a big part of the year working on changing and moving my work from the flat collages to 3D/relief-like images. Maybe that's why I have kept silent for so long? After a lot of experiments I have put up the first works here:

Monday 11 November 2013

Sunday 5 May 2013

Photos for ideas

Recently I have been doing a lot more with photos-as-sketches-for-ideas. I went to that tiny shoe repair shop in Marburg which is run by an Italian family and is the kind of shop which rarely exists anymore. There are all kinds of tools and shoes and funny things lying around and I asked the owner if I could take pictures of all the little details. These are my three favourites!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Moving on towards 3D works...

I asked my friend Emily to come to the studio to take some photos of my new pictures - it is so exciting to see them, it helps me to take three steps back and makes me look at my own works in a different way.